Blacklisting users from creating tickets
We've implemented a process on how you can perm, temp and prevent users from creating tickets via slash, dash, or embeds. This will error back and tell them they're blacklisted. Alongside this, it can all be viewed and edited from the panel.
/blacklist <user> <reason/time/remove>
/blacklist <user> <remove>
/blacklist <user> 1d/w/m (days, weeks, minutes) (example /blacklist Dapper1720 2d (blacklists for 2 days)
/blacklist <user> <reason>
We have also added panel functionality as per above. Go to Login, and more in one panel. To power your Discord server!
Then navigate to 'Blacklist'
Once you're here you can view everyone who is blacklisted, how long for and so on.
This should just about cover us for Blacklisting! :)