Setting up Supreme (Custom Bot Application)

Video Guide:

If you are reading this guide, that means you have purchased the Supreme package for First and foremost, we would like to thank you for supporting the bot's continued development and improvement! Now that you have Supreme, here's what you need to do in order to start taking full advantage of it:


Click on "New Application" at the top right corner of the screen, give the application a name an click "Create"

Step 2: Going to the Bots Section

Once you've created the application, go to the "Bots" tab in the nav-bar on the left of the screen.

Step 3: Building your bot!

Build your bot! Feel free to give it a name of your choice, and note that bot creation is irreversible. Then click "Yes, do it!"

Step 4: Navigating to OAuth2

Navigate to the "oAuth2" tab in the same menu as the "Bot" tab, and copy the number where it says Client ID.

Step 5: Ensuring the bot is private

You need to ensure the bot is marked as Private not disabling it could result in a random member of your guild inviting the supreme bot to a guild, preventing the bot from starting until it is kicked off the server where it was not supposed to be. To do this disable the option "Public Bot" under "Bot" on the Discord Developer Portal

Step 6: Enabling the Members * Message content intents

We require you to enable the members and message content intents (as boxed in red). Without the members intent, we cannot obtain a list of your guild members, rendering a large percentage of our bots with limited functionality (transcripts, panel and so on). Additionally, the message content intent is necessary for us to be able to retrieve messages if you'd like to continue using text-based commands or preserving transcript functionality – to name a few examples. Without both of these intents enabled, your bot will not be able to start.

This can be done by enabling the below box under "Bot" on the Discord Developer Portal.

Now you need to generate an invite link to be used when inviting your bot to the server, so you can use the supreme features. Don't worry, the new bot will use the same settings and variables from the bot, nothing is lost.

If you go to the link below;

Discord Permissions Calculator
A small calculator that generates Discord OAuth invite links

Copy your bot's Client ID into the link you just generated where it says INSERT_CLIENT_ID_HERE, then copy the link, and paste it into your browser. Once done invite the new bot application into your guild!

Remember you need to put the client ID, select "Administrator" & select "Use Application Commands"

Now you have created the link, grab the link, and search for it in the top of your browser.

Step 8: Go back to the Developer Portal

Once the bot you've just created is in your server, go back to the Developer Portal click "Bot" and click "Copy" where you will now be provided with a token.

Please make sure you keep this token secure and not to share it with anyone.

Step 9: Copy the Bot Token

Copy the "TOKEN" you just generated, and go back to's panel, on the page you select your server you will see "**Manage Supreme**" which will look like;

Step 10: Putting the new token into the panel

Now we are here you will see the below image, please input your bot token in the "Inset BOT Token" box. First you need to click "SETUP SUPREME USER"

Then press "NEXT STEP" which will go through a various of checks on your bot token to make sure things match up to the stuff we did above.

Step 11: Wait 1-2 minutes

The new bot may take a few minutes to boot. Remember, your settings won't be changed, although I'd recommend you do re-send your Ticket Tag embed(s) so they appear under the correct bot application and not's.

Before sending embeds, make sure you kick the bot from your guild so you're left with your new application.

Don't forget we have the ability for you to use a custom transcript panel.

Thank you for supporting, and allowing us to provide you a service beyond expectations.