Update 26/11/2022

There are many many changes that came along with this update, (as you can see at the bottom, an in-depth detailed change list (thanks Ayetofu)). You now have the ability to have a custom transcript website (https://transcripts.helper.gg, being the default brand new transcript panel for everyone). This includes custom CSS and Custom Logos, using your own bot application to identify as your own, and not us (brand new free feature to Supreme users).

Your custom transcript panel is hosted by us, you send us a CNAME, and we open you an encrypted, custom transcript panel (who thought a discord bot would ever offer this? Especially the CSS and Logo customisation ability)

This new transcript panel adds the ability for users to delete their messages from our system, if you have a html or json version this cannot be edited, but the messages we store on our servers are deleted. If a message is deleted the user is stopped access to that transcript as they no longer have any messages in that ticket.

We have also added the ability to store messages for 1 year, doing so will enable an additional message on ticket creation advising the user that we're storing their messages and how to delete them. By default it is 30 days, you can enable 1 year on the panel.

Oh, and DM Transcripts is also now free. Follow our documentation on how to set this up.

We added a much more easier Supreme Setup process as well, which checks the bot token against key requirements.


Log in Page

-Total UI update
-Removed in-between page that listed servers and other settings and merged it with dashboard
-Changed server list to drop down menu


Dashboard Page

-Messages Received , Ticket Created, User Assisted stats now show.
-Claimed Stats now show with last 3, 7 and 30 days options available
-Merged Last 5 opened tickets and last 5 closed tickets into the last 10 latest tickets sidebar

Upgrade Page

-Moved upgrade page to its own location under the dashboard.
-Now accepts crypto as a form of payment
-Easier to understand layout

Manage Supreme Page

-Complete redesign of the manage supreme page
-Ability to add a Custom Transcript website.
-Ability to customize CSS and Logo of the Custom Transcript Website.

Panel Users Page

-You can now enable or disable your server's admins to automatically have access to the panel

Support Roles Page

-Now in its own spot on the dash
-More clear explanation of this page now directly at the top of page.

Forms Page

-You can now add forms to your tickets. having users fill out questions before the ticket opens.
-Manage customizing forms and form questions in one place


Global Variables Page

-Can now globally set the embed color
-Global message settings moved to this page.

Command Settings

-You can now enable and disable certain commands
-Specific command settings are now found on this page
-Complete rewrite of translate command, No longer have to define language when running the command in a ticket.

View Tickets Page

-You can now see the ticket creator, when it was created, creation method, current status, reason, claimed by, and any added users
-You can now search by who the ticket was claimed by
-Search bar to search through all your tickets easily

Tickets & Embeds Page

-Global default ticket values to customize are now at the top of this page
-Ticket Tags renamed to Ticket Embeds
-Embed tags now support dropdowns as well as buttons
-You can now add a form to your tickets
-Now warns to to send the embed after you have made changes.
-You can now select multiple categories for the tickets to appear in, creating "overflow" categories.

Transcripts Page

-With supreme you can now have a custom domain for your transcripts.
-After a simple notice to your users, you can now keep transcripts for up to one year while still following discord ToS
-You can now create a public transcript link to share with a user after their ticket is closed.
-Transcript settings are now moved to this page
-Transcript command responses are now on this page.
-DM transcripts is now a free feature!


-Automation settings moved to their own page
-You can now set a auto close after a certain amount of time has passed with no response.
-Automation command responses moved to this page.


coming soon

This dashboard is set up so that in the future when Moderation.gg releases you will be able to manage both in one place.