Purchasing Supreme & Premium (Crypto, PayPal and Stripe)
We support account credit for people who wish to use PayPal (we don't support PayPal subscriptions, and only Account Credit) & we accept CRYPTO Payments. If you do have any account credit, and a subscription setup with a card stored with Stripe we will take from the Account Credit before charging your card.
How do I purchase Supreme or Premium?
Once your guild is redeemed, and you are looking at purchasing premium or supreme to extend our bots capabilities for your server. You can start by going to: https://panel.parent.gg/ and clicking "Upgrade Bot" as shown in the below image. You also need to select "Your Payment Methods"
Which will look like the below:
At this point you need to decide if you're paying using PayPal, Stripe, or Crypto.
For the first bot you are subscribed too, it will cost 4$ for Premium, any additional bot will add a 2$ monthly increase to your subscription. This way, two bots with premium on your server will cost 6$ and not 8$.
Paying with PayPal (Account Credit)
We no longer support Subscriptions via PayPal, and moved over to Stripe for Subscriptions, although we do offer account credit which can be paid into with PayPal. All you need to do is clikc "Add Credit" and select PayPal. You need to put in your topup value then click Next, which will take you through the payment process.
Paying with Stripe (Subscription)
Wish to have automatic payments so you don't need to worry about toping up with Account Credit? We support subscriptions with Stripe, and will automatically charge the card details on a month-by-month basis. Don't worry, we don't know the card details as Stripe deal with this so there isn't no worry about us storing your card details on our system.
At this point you need to add your card to the system, to do so click "Add Card"
Then put your card details in and click "Add Card" which will show like the below.
Paying with Crypto (Account Credit)
We do offer account credit which can be paid into with Crypto. All you need to do is click "Add Credit" and select Crypto. You need to put in your topup value then click Next, which will take you through the payment process. You will be asked to confirm the coin you wish to use.
Extra Info:
Our cart page is for the whole of Parent.gg's services and not a sole bot, therefore you will see the ability to purchase for each bot, and not only for a selected bot.
Is there a grace period in-case my Premium/Supreme (or card) gets declined?
Yes! Don't worry we won't just reset your premium/supreme if your account credit runs out, or the card payment fails. We will give you a grace period please see below:
Day 1: Attempt payment, if failed send an email.
Day 2: Attempt payment, if failed send an email and subscription is cancelled.
Day 3: Nothing
Day 4: Send an email advising if payment is not made premium/supreme variables will be reset.
Day 5: Send an email advising premium/supreme variables have been reset.
Did you say Voting?
Can we start by mentioning that by voting you're helping the bot grow, which is highly appreciated, although if you feel like supporting the Founders/Developers (and our wonderful staff team) please consider purchasing it.
You can only vote for Premium, and not for Supreme, to get started with voting, run 'h!votes' within your Discord Server (once you have our bot in your guild obviously) where you will be presented with an vote link, and told how to vote!
Thank you for considering using Parent.gg, and our services as your one-stop bot.